The decrease of the sexual drive is also of big importance. It may be caused by various factors, for example, psychological problems, physical tension. In addition, various systematic diseases such as arterial hypertension and diabetes are even of bigger importance. Such hormone as testosterone plays quite an important role in the formation of the sexual drive. Therefore, if its concentration in the blood channels is decreased for some reason, then sex will concern you less than before. The administration of some medications, for example, antidepressants, is an important factor in the decrease of the sexual drive. Finally, we should mention that if there is no psychical harmony between you and your partner, you should not count on good sex between two of you.
How are the problems in sexual life of a man diagnosed?
First of all, it is necessary to exclude medical reasons. To do this you should visit a doctor and tell him everything than happens in your sexual life. After the visit he will probably send you to the specialized doctors, including endocrinologist, urologist, neurologist and, of course, sexologist. Besides, the consultation of other doctors may also be required. After the full course of examinations you will certainly know if your problems have any organic reason or if they are caused by your psychological condition.
So what analyses are required in the process of diagnostics of men’s sexual problems?
The first thing to be checked is the condition of blood. For this the hemanalysis is performed. The result shows if there is enough hormones produced in your body. This is very important, as these active agents make us the real men. The amount of blood that flows to penis during the sexual excitement is also of primary importance. The examination of blood vessels is performed to check the ability of the blood channels to maintain this indicator at the appropriate level.
The volume of blood that flows has determinative meaning, as the degree of erection depends on it. After these tests there is compulsory sensual testing performed. It helps to define some innervation disorders of the certain parts of the body. And finally, the night investigation of the hardness of penis and the power of unconscious erection ise performed. The method is based on the fact that the consensual excitement takes place while a man is sleeping. Thus, examining its degree, we can clearly understand if there is some organic reason of the sexual dysfunction in this man, or the problems are caused by some psychological reason.