The strongest health warnings about Viagra types


Unfortunately, treating erectile dysfunction with Viagra still has plenty of contraindications. And keeping in mind the fact that ED never occurs on its own, but manifests other, often more serious conditions, the treatment must consider the problems a person has or had in the past.


Topping the list of ED issues are psychogenic conditions of chronic nature – neurotic disorders, depression and etc., whereas erection is impacted by the emotional state. Although Viagra may temporarily improve sexual performance according to Depression, antidepressant therapies, and erectile dysfunction research conducted by NCBI in 2002, it will not contribute to the full recovery. Moreover, interactions with strong antidepressant drugs, such as tramadol, can cause severe headaches and more serious side effects.

Another common group of sexual disorders causes includes – alcoholism and drug addiction. Mixing alcohol and Viagra is not recommended not only because of potentially less effective absorption, but also because of the risk of aggravated adverse reactions.

Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be extremely careful when taking Viagra, and in particular those who take any medicines that contain nitrates. Most often nitrates containing drugs are used to treat angina – pain in the heart area caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries in atherosclerosis.

Nitro containing drugs are doing the same thing as Viagra – dilate the arteries – and the concomitant use of these two drugs can cause sudden and life-threatening low blood pressure with real risk of lethal consequences. According to recent data, approximately 5% of patients with erectile dysfunction were treated with nitrates.

If you caught a cold and take aspirin in normal therapeutic doses, you should not be using Viagra at least 24 hours since the last reception of the drug. In either event, you should not take Viagra more frequently than once each 24 hours.

People suffering from metabolic disorders and diabetes in particular must take the drug with caution – the medication is recommended to be taken with the lowest dosage with a gradual increase in case of no positive reaction.

Patients with serious kidney diseases, renal impairment, stomach ulcer, hemophilia, various cancer types and physical deformations of penis must refrain from Viagra treatment. Viagra is also contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Viagra is the drug designed to be taken by males only, and it is not intended for use in women. Even though in reproductive studies in rats and rabbits, oral administration of sildenafil had no teratogenic effects, did not affect the reproductive function and did not cause a violation of peri/post-natal development of the fetus and newborn; the use of the drug may catalyze hormonal changes and violations of functioning of a health system.

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